Why Have Your Curb Painted?

Imagine you work for Amazon and you’re an hour past when you normally get home, or you’re a food delivery driver and you’re about to make a 3 dollar tip, or you’re a first responder quickly trying to find the home of a 911 call.

Now say you’re looking for Ol Ms. Dasiy at 3420, see if you can identify this home’s address. One of dozens of homes on the street you think she is on. You’re driving down the street 30 yards away from it looking from above the driveway, to the mailbox, to the side of the garage to over by the door. Now imagine repeating that every time for every house while also trying to drive safely. hard enough during the day - but at night? Good luck.

You’re gonna have to loop back a few times. And that’s just to find one house. Mail carriers, Amazon, food delivery; they’re servicing many homes daily.
 And imagine calling 911 when every second is an eternity and now you’ve got poor Ol Ms. Daisy trying to breakaway and flag them down outside.

Now, try to find the address for this home.

How about this one?

Now what about at night?

Nothing beats having the address easily identifiable (and reflective!) in a consistent location for every home in your neighborhood.

Already have an address marker? Great, get another one its inexpensive and worth every penny. Do you really want to risk cops knocking down the wrong door?

If you’re tired of you or the neighbor getting the wrong mail, food, package, or guest; Give us a call and we’ll come out and paint a Curbsiderz Address Painting that is beautiful and long lasting, but most importantly will aid in giving you a little more peace of mind.